Posts tagged puppy

Everybody’s Workin’

Food: 3301/1756 (apparently toasted coconut is bad for you…)

  • Honey Nut Cheerios, 1% milk, banana, coffee, sugar free hazelnut
  • apple, greek yogurt w/ fruit and granola
  • ham and provolone on whate w/ mustard, VitaRain Zero…  banana. Energy bite.
  • TACO THURSDAY.  Three corn tacos w/ beef, refried beens, cheese, olives, salsa, sour cream (full fat), and tomatoes.  With a glass of 1% milk.
  • Beer.
  • Wine.
  • Pineapple w/ toasted coconut.


  • Short Reilly walk
  • 50 toe pushups (at work. heehee.)
  • 25 full touch sit-ups, 25 V-up reverse crunches (at work. heehee.)
  • Spin Class

After late nights Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (plus a Tylenol PM…) I had a hard time getting out of bed and skipped my morning crunches/push-ups.  😦  It is Spirit Week at school and was “Young/Old” day.  The girls were supposed to dress “young” so I wore leggings and a long sleeved tee shirt with high heeled ankle boots.  Apparently this seemed “dressed up” because I had many comments.  (Plus in leggings and heels my legs looked stellar.  😀 )  I was sorta just going for “what can I do pushups in at work?” But hey.  Whatevs.  So.  3:00pm rolled around, and of course I stay til 4:00pm (*cough*3:45*cough*), so I went in the back and did me some pushups and situps.  Naturally now that I’ve said I can do 25 continuous pushups…I no longer can.  😦  Lame.

Tim had wanted to do dinner together last night, but I had spin at 6 and he had a mand date at 6:30, so we ate early (4:45.)  Tacos!  Tim made them.  I really can’t let him cook.  Regular sour cream.  Yikes.  They were delicious, though.  But.  I wish I’d opted for a Taco Salad.  Anyway, after our excellent dinner, as I was headed out the door, Tim invited me on his man-date.  Which was sweet.  So I gave him $20 and promised to meet him.  (Positive reinforcement works with puppies, right?  Why not men?)

Spin Class.  Have I ever mentioned how much I fucking love Leslie?  I had forgotten my water bottle and had to borrow one from the lost-n-found (icky.  If I come down w/ some weird virus, we’ll know why though.)  Anyway, we started with 20 mins sprinting.  I loved it. 😀  Happy Mean@$$.  And when Leslie does 20ish mins sprinting, it’s a pyramid of 3x 30 seconds on, 20 seconds off.  Then 3 x 45 seconds on, 20 seconds off.  Then 3 x 60 seconds on, 20 seconds off, etc.  No BS 5min “sprints” ala Bill, the maroon.  Then our “hills” were at really high RPMs (80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110) so I really liked that.  Anyway, the whole class was physically and mentally challenging, but didn’t have too much resistance, so I really liked it.  Plus it went by really fast.  Oh–and Leslie is finally unpacked after moving and has some new playlists.  Phew.  She’s always got one or two super awesome ’80s songs in there, which makes me giggle.

Then I met Tim and Marc for a beer.  That was weird b/c it didn’t go down very easily.  And after we went home I poured some of the toasted coconut I made for those energy bites on top of some fresh pineapple and it was delicious.  Would have been great with like vanilla (ICE CREAM) yogurt or something…  Drank a glass of wine, went to bed around 9:00pm and…

I slept like a fucking champion.  Bout time.  Shit.  Reilly cuddled me all night long, too.  😀

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Do you ever annoy yourself?

Food: way over

Exercise: way under

  • walked Reilly.  

Yeah, no push ups or sit ups yesterday.  Then I skipped Spin Class b/c Tim wanted me to have dinner and a movie with him.  Probably a good thing since my legs feel like death.  We cooked dinner together.  We used to do that all the time.  Tim even found a recipe on Cooking Light–except it ended up not being from Cooking Light… but it was good.  He drives me nuts a bit, so I had to be extra patient.  Here are the ingredients we were missing from the recipe: fresh mango (substituted canned pineapple,) curry powder (substituted cumin, turmeric, chili powder, and coriander), fresh ginger (substituted powdered,) coconut milk (substituted 1% milk & some coconut), red curry paste (substituted garlic chili stuff…), cauliflower (brussel sprouts,) green onions (omit).  I’ll substitute a thing or two.  Fresh for ground ginger, ok.  But that was like half of the ingredients.  It turned out good.  I guess.  I dunno.  The sauce wasn’t creamy, but watery…  Tim thinks it was supposed to be.  Flavor was good, but that was weird.  Then we watched Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, we had also seen it in the theatre.  It was good.

I drank most of a bottle of wine, took a muscle relaxor, and slept like a baby.  Finally.  I’ve been laying in bed awake for hours lately.  I feel lazy for skipping exercise, but balance is one of my goals as well, so I just focused on that yesterday.  I love Tim.  He’s a good husband.  Sweet.  With pretty green eyes.  Oh–and Reilly slept in my lap while we watched the movie, and Paris (the cat) slept on my chest but sort of touching Reilly, which was good b/c they hate each other.  (Reilly sniffs Paris’ butt and he doesn’t like that.)

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Creature of Habit

Food: 2735/1661 calories  (oops…)

  • Frosted Mini-Wheats w/ 1% milk, coffee, sugarfree vanilla creamer
  • Greek Yogurt w/ fruit and granola, Luna Bar
  • Apple, Natural PB & Simply Fruit J, 1% milk
  • Yogurt (chocolate?) pretzels
  • Meatloaf, Quinoa, Wine


  • Longish walk w/ Reilly

Oh man.  I don’t know how people do it.  I skipped practice yesterday.  I’m mentally and physically exhausted and derby-d the eff out.  In two years, I’ve not had a break, and I simply do not miss practice.  I transferred literally the week after Champs last year, then worked my ass off to move through the practice ranks, get skills tested, be drafted (Sunny–remember I was worried no one would want me?), see if I could make Conts, not get kicked off Conts, and then possibly play both Cont bouts.  (Which worked.  Yay.)  I’m still over here all “what can I do to be a better derby player?”  w/ my TBT.  Apparently some people think I am trying to lose weight.  I’m not, really, but if that happens, cool. I know some of my belly is not muscle and thus not conducive to effective derby-ing.

Anyway, my point.  I dawdled out of work yesterday.  Left at 3:15 instead of 2:57 because I wasn’t rushing home to get my shit done and go to practice.  I took Reilly on a nice long walk because I missed her all weekend and wanted to spend time w/ her and she loves walking.  I have been wanting to make meatloaf for weeks, so I made meatloaf.  It was like 7:00 by the time my dinner was in the oven.  So much for Body Pump at the Rec Center.  So much for “lifting” on my own.

Then.  I entered “Meatloaf” onto fitbit.  700 calories.  Whaaaaa?  *Sigh.*  So much for meatloaf sammies.  Whatever.  It satisfied my meatloaf urges (yeah, that’s a weird statement in context… out of context… yikes.)

Blah blah back to topic.  A few weeks ago, Queen had posted about habits.  How they are formed, etc.  I can’t seem to make myself work out at home.  I don’t know.  I can make myself go to the gym (grudgingly,) but trying to lift a 5lb weight on my own, use my Wii Active, or do a couple of push ups…  it just never happens.  Which is why I’m trying to go to the classes at the Rec Center.  Ugh.

Also–and I think today is a two post day, two people suggested I start lifting, not just Spinning, this past weekend.  Plus Suzy Hotrod said to also (in the last fiveonfive.)  So.  Spinning.  Lifting.  Derby.  Oh My!


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Unghhhh Sickly Pickly Ickly… tickly?


  •  Haha suck it.  Go to fit bit and read it.   Ok just kidding.
  • 1% milk w/ frosted mini-wheats, coffee w/ half and half
  • Apple & 1% cottage cheese
  • PB & J on wheat, 1% milk, Slenderize Fuze
  • 2 banana, Hershey’s Special Dark syrup, natural peanut butter, nonfat vanilla yogurt, and 1% milk smoothie


  • 2hr derby practice
  • 1mile Reilly walk

Yesterday…  reviewed applicants for my new assistant.  There are some highly qualified candidates.  And some interesting looking people who I unfortunately will be unable to interview.  So, we’re probably interviewing next week sometime, and I have high hopes that we’ll find someone good.  Raced home, was fortunate to find a lull in the rain, walked Reilly, whipped up a fancy smoothie based on a recipe I found on Sunny D’s Pinterest page, and went to practice.  Unfortunately for me…  the smoothie didn’t settle well in my tummy.  😦  I was all burpy sickly during practice cuz my tummy hurt.  I think it must have been the oil in the peanut butter.

Went home, checked in on fitbit, and discovered I could still consume 138 calories…  exactly enough for a large glass of wine.  😀 Showered, put on my pink fluffy robe, and poured myself a delicious, refreshing, giant glass of… water.  😉  I needed it.  Actually, while I was showering, pondering the wine, the thought of water popped into my head and was more enticing than the idea of wine.  Weird, right?

Then bed.  Reilly likes to sleep between my legs.  So she did last night.  Yeah, that sounds weird, esp. if you factor in that I sleep butt-assed naked, but take into account the blankets and it isn’t weird.  (Right?) She likes to curl up in a ball, and then she has mommy legs all around her to keep her warm.  I assume that’s why.  Oh, and I have a bed heater…  like a heated blanket, but it’s a mattress cover.  I put that on low last night.  Sooo nice…  🙂  eventually I rolled onto my side so Reilly had to sleep curled up behind my legs instead of between them.  (Which is less weird, right?)  And then I had to roll over and Reilly was in the way and when I moved her she got fed up and relocated to the floor.



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